Page 6 - MUMBAI - 02 MAY 2024
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6                                                    EXIM
                                                                 INDIA   newsletter  Mumbai, Thursday, May 2, 2024
                INSTC seen as best bet to boost trade

                                amid the Red Sea crisis

             Exim News Service            efit the global economy to move away   path through the Mediterranean Sea
                       MUMBAI, May 1      from the now-dangerous Red Sea and   and the Suez Canal to Russia by al-
         THE  International  North-South   the Suez link to the Mediterranean.   most half, highlighted a report.
       Transport Corridor (INSTC) initia-  The INSTC plan comprises a 7,200-   The plan got reinforcement from the
       tive by Russia, Iran and India is seen   km corridor starting from St Peters-  recent events in the Red Sea and also
       as the best bet to enhance trade and   burg in Russia to ports in southern   the Israel-Hamas clashes in the Middle
       transport connectivity among coun-  Iran, and from there to Mumbai in   East. The Houthi attacks on mercantile
       tries along its route, that would not   India. The idea is of a shipping route   shipping across the Red Sea exposed
       only  help  Russia  and  Iran  counter   that  should  bypass  Europe.  It  will   the insecurity of the Suez link to the
       Western sanctions but may also ben-  also reduce the length of the current   Mediterranean, the report added.
               Demerger of Svitzer from Maersk confirmed

         Exim News Service       well as certain other as-  to the highest professional   ready  to  become  a  stand-
          COPENHAGEN, May 1      sets and liabilities related   standards. Today is a land-  alone, listed company, offer-
         LAST  week,  at  an  Ex-  to APMM’s towage and    mark event in Svitzer’s 190   ing investors the opportunity
       traordinary General Meet-  marine service activities,   years’  history  as  the  com-  to invest in a leading global
       ing in Copenhagen, share-  to a new company, Svitzer   pany returns to its former   towage and marine servic-
       holders  in  A.P.  Møller  -   Group A/S (Svitzer Group),   status as stand-alone com-  es provider with a strong,
       Mærsk A/S voted in favour of   which will be established   pany with the best possible   steadily performing underly-
       the proposal for a demerger   as part of the demerger.  outset for delivering value   ing business and continued
       of Svitzer from Maersk.     Morten  H.  Engelstoft,   to customers, investors and   growth ambitions.”
         This confirms the sepa-  Chairman of Svitzer’s Board   other stakeholders.”    Svitzer will continue to be
       ration of Svitzer to a new   of Directors, said: “With the   Svitzer CEO, Kasper Friis   headquartered in Copenha-
       company that will be officially   demerger from APMM and   Nilaus, said: “The separation   gen and operate under the
       listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen.  separate listing of Svitzer,   from  APMM  and  separate   same Svitzer name.
         As previously an-       an  era  of  45  years  under   listing of Svitzer on Nasdaq   Svitzer has been part of
       nounced, the demerger     APMM’s  ownership  comes   Copenhagen provides a solid   the Maersk Group of com-
       will be completed by      to  an  end.  In  this  period,   platform for us to continue   panies  for  more  than  40
       APMM injecting 100%       Svitzer has seen significant   executing on our strategy and   years. In 1979, Maersk be-
       of the shares of Svitzer   expansion and change, es-  building our position in the   came a majority shareholder
       A/S (Svitzer), including   tablishing itself as a global   market in the years to come.   of  Svitzer  and  acquired  it
       Svitzer’s subsidiaries as   market leader that operates   We  are  excited  and  fully   shortly after.

                                            Sri Lanka Customs

                    Submission of Cargo Declarations and
                                Bills of Lading to ASYHUB

       Special Notice to all Shipping Agents, NVOCC Agents, Freight Forwarding Agents

         We are pleased to announce the implementation of ASYHUB, a cutting-edge digital platform aimed at streamlining
       and enhancing the efficiency of Customs clearance by Sri Lanka Customs. The submission of Cargo Declarations and
       Bills of Lading shall be completely migrated from the ASYCUDA World System to the ASYHUB System with effect
       from the 1st of May 2024.
         Under this new initiative all the Shipping Agents, NVOCC Agents and Freight Forwarding Agents are required to
       perform the following actions.
         1. The Shipping Agent shall report the vessel as soon as the information is available but no later than 24 hours
       prior to departure from the last foreign port.
         2. The Shipping Agents, NVOCC Agents and Freight Forwarding Agents shall submit the Cargo Declarations and
       Bills of Lading of containerized cargo to the ASYHUB System 24 hours prior to the departure from the last foreign port.
         3. The Shipping Agents, NVOCC Agents and Freight Forwarding Agents shall submit the Cargo Declarations and
       Bills of Lading of non-containerized (Bulk, break-bulk and liquid) cargo 72 hours prior to arrival, or where the voyage
       is less than 72 hours on departure from the last foreign port.
         Timeline for ASYHUB System Migration:
         H Registration of users to ASYHUB System to commence from 22nd March 2024 and test submissions shall be
       allowed until 31st  March 2024.
         H Parallel submission of Cargo Declarations and, Bills of Lading to ASYCUDA World and ASYHUB System is to
       be commenced on the 1st of April 2024.
         H Submission of Cargo Declarations and Bills of Lading to ASYCUDA World will be stopped from 30th April 2024,
       and from 1st of May 2024, the Cargo Declarations and Bills of Lading shall be received only to the ASYHUB System.
         H Sri Lanka Customs shall amend Electronic Sea Cargo Reporting Regulations No. 1 of 2014 published in extraor-
       dinary gazette No. 1886/55 of 31.10.2014 to regulate the above changes.
                                                                 P.B.S.C. Nonis, Director General of Customs
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