Date: 22/02/2024

European shipowners welcome Operation ASPIDES in the Red Sea

European shipowners have welcomed the EU’s initiative to protect commercial vessels against possible attacks in the Red Sea.
Following growing attacks on commercial shipping, the EU Council this week officially launched the EU’s defensive maritime security operation in the Red Sea.
Operation ASPIDES has a defensive mandate and will accompany and protect commercial vessels in the area against possible attacks at sea.
“European shipowners strongly welcome today’s announcement which officially launched the new European maritime security operation in the Red Sea. The escalating situation in the area puts our seafarers in danger on a daily basis and is increasingly impacting Europe’s supply chain and overall economic security. European presence in the area through the deployment of Operation ASPIDES is essential to address the security risks for commercial shipping and will contribute to keeping our seafarers safe. We encourage and support all coordinated efforts, including diplomatic, contributing to the de-escalation of the crisis in the area,” said Sotiris Raptis, Secretary General, European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA).
The Red Sea is a key route for European trade and for the EU’s international connectivity. Protecting key shipping routes and the international principle of freedom of navigation is essential to guarantee the energy, food and supply chain security of Europe, ECSA stressed in a communique.
Source: Exim News Service: Brussels, Feb. 21