Date: 12/04/2024

India permits sugar, rice, onion exports to Maldives

At the request of the Maldives government, India has allowed the export of certain quantities of essential commodities, including sugar, wheat, rice and onions for 2024-25, the Indian High Commission said in Male. Shipments of these commodities, which started this month, will be exempted from any existing or future restriction or prohibition on export, the government said in a notification. India has allowed exports of 124,218 metric tonnes of rice, 109,162 tonnes of wheat flour, 64,494 tonnes of sugar, 21,513 tonnes of potatoes, 35,749 tonnes of onions and 427.5 million eggs to the Maldives. It has also allowed exports of 1 million tonnes each of stone aggregate and river sand, as per a report.
source: Exim News Service: New Delhi, April 11