Date: 21/06/2024

Russia mulls shipping coal to India via INSTC

Russia is planning to ship coal to India along the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) announced Russian officials at the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum this month. India has long been interested in establishing trade with Russia along the corridor and cooperated with Iran for that purpose. The collaboration is now bearing fruit as the INSTC is taking up its role as an energy corridor between Russia and India. Russian coal will be travelling southward along the INSTC and reach Iran’s Bandar Abbas Port. From there, the coal will be shipped overseas to Indian ports. Reportedly, an Iranian shipping company is facilitating the Russian-Indian trade. The company announced that it had allocated 300 containers to ship goods between its two partners. The company also said that it would allocate more containers as demand grows, as per a report.
Source: Exim News Service: St. Petersburg, June 20